Holiday emails have become some of the greatest sources of revenue for companies around the world. Which his precisely why maximizing your revenue potential from each holiday email is vital to reaching your goals. In this episode, Shane gives you three tips to optimize your holiday sends.
Transcript: Get More Out of Your Holiday Emails
The holidays are upon us, and it’s time to turn this gift-giving season into a results-packed, revenue-rich marketing opportunity.
I’m Shane Phair, Chief Marketing Officer at Campaign Monitor, and this is The Email Minute.
Here are 3 strong tactics to elevate your holiday emails.
First: craft personal and relevant subject lines. 62% of customers choose to open an email because of a personalized subject line. And on the flip side, you need to make it relevant to their interests, the season, and your offer, so your email doesn’t get marked as spam, since 68% of recipients may mark your message as spam due to an irrelevant subject line.
Second, you absolutely must send out emails that are designed to be opened on a phone. And here’s why: if your email has a broken layout when opened on mobile device, it’s likely to be deleted in 3 seconds or less.
And this prevalence in mobile usage brings us to the third point: that your email needs to contain instant purchasing options.
And here’s why these two points work in tandem: 46% of all online orders on Thanksgiving happened on a mobile device. And last year, Christmas day had a huge bump in mobile purchases, with 50% of online orders happening on a mobile device.
So make your holiday emails enticing to open, and design them with mobile in mind, so you can keep their attention and convert that attention into customers with instant buying options.
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